

Poll: Parents favor abstinence education

WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- An overwhelming majority of U.S. parents say a "pro-abstinence message" is an acceptable, even preferred way to teach teens about family planning.

In a Zogby International poll of 1,004 parents, 96 percent said "abstinence" was best for America's teens while 91 percent expressed the view that teens should be taught that sexual activity is best when linked to love, intimacy, and commitment.

"For too long teenagers have been fed the lie that reliance on contraception amounts to 'safe sex.' It doesn't," the Family Research Council's Genevieve Wood said. The poll was commissioned by Focus on the Family, a non-profit pro-family group based in Colorado Springs, Colo., that sometimes works with the Family Research Council.

"Comprehensive sex education proponents have tried to paint supporters of abstinence education as moral and religious zealots who just don't want children and teenagers to know about sex," she said. "With three million teens each year contracting a sexually transmitted disease, it's time we take a closer look at what sex education messages are being taught in our nation's classrooms."

"Parents are waking up to the fact that schools aren't teaching their children the values of love, commitment and basic life choices that lead to building a healthy marriage," Wood said.

Fuck this. Fuck parents wanting the schools to do their job for them. Sex classes are not there to teach children that you should only have sex with people you "love" so that they will wait until marriage or whatever. Sex Classes are there to teach teens what sex is and how to deal with it safely.

The problem with sex education is that we wait until late junior high/early high school to do it. When do you first learn about violence/wars/bad people, in school? Long before you learn about sex. The problem is not our society being too open about sex, the problem is our society being too closed about sex.

Way back when somebody decided that sex was bad, sexual lust was offesnsive, and children shouldn't know anything about it because it's vulgar. Bullshit. This is what leads to problems with sex, if we dealt with it honestly and without shame, everyone would benefit.

And if parents don't want their children having sex outside of marriage, tell them that. Don't make the schools do it.

Wow, that rant was long, and perhaps boring. So I shall leave you with this to make it up to you:

I'm a little pony

clippity-clop clippity-clop

such a pretty pony

clippity-clop clippity-clop


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