
a job?!?

Apparently not many people update on Cesar Chavez day. This is too bad.

So there is a chance I might get a job(that sounds weird because I would gladly do it for free) writing for the Syntesis. It wouldn't be a whole lot of money, but I still can't believe they would pay me in the first place, so any money will feel like prize money. I have to do some writing samples, like a review of something. If people want to make recommendations of what I should review (CD, movie, show of some sort) I would take them. As of now I'm thinking I'm going to try and review The Company this new ballet movie. But I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to see it. anyways, if I get a chance to write for the Synthesis it will be quite cool.

Spencer, the guy who hires writers, seemed very positive about my chances so I just hope my writing doesn't suck, and is the style they're looking for. And Daniel, a columnist, seems to be pulling for me, so i'm excited about it.

No other news really except that I also applied at Togo's/Baskin Robbins and that looks like it might pan out.

Now back to homework, while everyone else celebrates Senor Chavez. Sucks for me.

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