
I'm rocking the suburbs

My mom bought nag champa soap and so now I smell like nag champa.

This makes me want to run around in the woods barefoot. But alas, there are no woods here.

The Imarobot show was great. At first I spent it like I do every show since I graduated high school, standing in the back trying to look too cool for school. But then I realized that it was a fucking show and that Imarobot is great and so I pulled Jessica along and pushed my way to the middle. Sweating bodies and mulleted lead singers may not sound like fun, bt it definitely was. So, yay for getting over myself and dancing my brains out with a bunch of people I don't know.

Not much else is going on, which is nice, because I've started a new book (The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down) and done some much needed work on my new journal. And watched a lot more television than I need to, but that's okay, my brain needed some good ol' fashioned rotting.

Oh and Sarah, when you get into town, call me, I want to hear all about your escapades.

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